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10 Cloverfield Lane

A young woman wakes up after a terrible accident to find that she’s… locked in a cellar with a doomsday prepper,… who insists that he saved her life and that the world outside is uninhabitable following an apocalyptic catastrophe. Uncertain what to believe, the woman soon….

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Premio Nickelodeon

PREMIAZIONE CORTOMETRAGGIO “Adam’s tales” di Giuseppe L’Andolina – Locomotion Films Ltd. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOdHBL1BzkILFUTkQ0mpBDIwyA8ljw5wpR5HWplyuGlvqNwxhzmr-mA6J6uDcGExw?key=Nnc0cnlmVUcwOXFiRm4wYXd0TWJJWTFQcDZYSzZ3
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